Wednesday, February 10, 2010

All is well, All is well!

We had another ultrasound yesterday. It is generally used for older women who are pregnant or high risk pregnancies for down syndrome. I am not past the safe age and we have no risk factors for down syndrome but my OB was nice enough to arrange it so we could have a more detailed look at our cute baby. "He" ( not sure yet, but we will call him he) was measuring a few days bigger than we originally calculated which is GREAT! He passed all the measurements and tests with flying colors and has all the right parts. His heart was beating strong at 158bpm and we saw the cord pulsing away to keep him strong. Cody and I are so blessed and so grateful! Thank you all for all the prayers! We are so excited!! Pictures to come when Cody sets up my scanner. :)


Metta said...

Kate, I am so excited for you! Thanks for keeping us updated with the progress of your little one. What a blessing that "he" is pulling through and is a womb superstar! I'm a little jealous though... we only have had one ultrasound and it looks like we won't have another until... well, never. I'm so curious as to what she will look like! My husband is Brazilian, so she could swing any direction (my fingers are crossed that it will be his direction...). XOXO

Kari Ann said...

Yea! I have been praying for you every night and am so glad that all is going well! Keep us updated!

TJ said...

Great, great news!!!!! How many weeks are you now?

Anonymous said...

Katie, I hope all goes well! I'll keep you in my prayers :) Take care of yourself!